student studying behavior of green tree monkeys in Barbados


神经科学 is a multidisciplinary science that encompasses a wide variety of scientific pursuits. The field is unified around the common goal of investigating and understanding the biological basis of behavior and cognition.


This multidisciplinary approach provides students with a broad foundation for understanding how behavior and thought processes are governed by neuroanatomy, 神经生理学, 和精神药理学. Students interested in the cellular mechanisms of behavior are encouraged to take courses in biochemistry & molecular biology (BMB) to complement their major requirements.


神经科学 majors have gone on to a variety of graduate programs and careers.


  • Baptist Health Physical Therapy
  • Institute of Cellular Therapeutics
  • 心脏及中风基金会
  • 临床行为分析
  • Children’s Therapeutics of Austin


  • 俄亥俄州立大学(博士.D.)
  • 泽维尔大学.H.S.A.)
  • National University of Health Sciences
  • University of Tennessee Health Science Center
  • 克莱顿大学.T.D.)


Centre’s neuroscience curriculum includes a strong emphasis in 心理学 and biology with additional courses in chemistry and mathematics. The course work and research experiences behavioral neuroscience majors undertake include, 但不限于, the following topics; human and animal behavior, 思维的相互作用, nerve cell structure and function, 化学神经传递, the mechanisms of sensation and perception, and the neurological and behavioral effects of both therapeutic and recreational drugs. Overall students learn how fundamental concepts and principles in these areas are related to both normal and abnormal behavior.




Students engage in hands-on learning experiences and reflection to develop skills and increase knowledge retention.

神经科学 students have engaged in primate research in Barbados, and studied the roots of mindfulness in Japan. Student projects are commonly presented at professional meetings and/or published in professional journals, and many have won undergraduate research awards.


We're committed to helping students find quality internship experiences in the career area of their choice.

Students internships have included a mental health center, residential facility for children and adolescents, 物质治疗计划, and with regional physical therapists, 牙医, 以及地区医院. Other areas of interest for internships include a zoo, 灵长类动物救援bwin体育, a center for mental health policy, 肢体运动控制实验室. 


Our extraordinary liberal arts and sciences education prepares students for meaningful lives and careers.

Centre students that earn a neuroscience degree often pursue advanced graduate and/or professional training in neuroscience, 心理学, 人类或兽医学, 医药科学, 动物研究.


Lady with long silver hair with summery black top in front of Old Centre


  • H.W. 小Stodghill. 阿黛尔·H. Stodghill Professor of 神经科学
  • 神经科学主席
Man with dark hair and gotee wearing glasses, 深色西装, 浅蓝色礼服衬衫, and plaid tie in front of grey background


  • Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs
  • Director of Centre Learning Commons
  • Classroom Accommodations Coordinator
  • Professor of Psychology and 神经科学
Lady with shoulder length brown hair wearing beige jacket and red top


  • Associate Professor of 神经科学 Co-Chair of the Undergraduate Research Committee
黑头发戴眼镜的男人, 穿着运动服, 系扣礼服衬衫, and scarf in front of black background

亚伦J. Godlaski

  • Associate Professor of Psychology and 神经科学
  • 健康的职业
  • Pre-Dentistry顾问
