Students observing behaviors of Green Tree Monkeys in Barbados


心理学 students are provided a thorough background in the basic concepts, 理论, 以及心理学的实验结果, and a well-developed set of research skills and experience in thinking creatively and critically about the world using the information they have learned.


The 心理学 Program assists students as they develop a thorough understanding of key ideas, 作品, 人, 事件, and issues within the discipline of psychology. Students enhance their understanding of scientific psychology by developing their research skills in a variety of settings ranging from laboratory to independent field research projects. 除了, students enrich their understanding of applied psychology through internships and course work. 最后, students strengthen and diversify their critical and creative thinking skills and their multidimensional communication skills in each of the above contexts.

除了, the program seeks to provide students with the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the scientific enterprise as undergraduates through their own research. The program provides students with a fine background for advanced training and work in both applied and scientific research areas.


心理学 majors have gone on to a variety of graduate programs and careers.


  • 格林维尔市-市长办公室
  • 全国儿童医院
  • Rolling Hills医院
  • 肯塔基大学医院
  • 越通社护理和临终关怀bwin体育


  • 麻省药学院 & 健康科学(硕士).S.N.、护理)
  • 斯伯丁大学(鸟叔.D.临床心理学)
  • 丹佛大学(M.A.、运动 & 表演心理学)
  • 肯塔基大学.S.W.、社会工作)
  • 范德比尔特大学.S.N.(妇女健康)


心理学 majors begin 学习 the fundamentals in courses such as Introduction to 心理学 and Introduction to Research Methods. 他们继续发展, 社会, 变态心理学, 以及认知, 学习, 和神经科学. Upper-level courses including Personality, Motivation & Emotion, 心理学 of Women, Cultural 心理学, Race & 种族和健康心理学. Completion of the major includes participation in a capstone experience, either through a senior seminar course or collaborating with a faculty member to complete an advanced research project.




Students engage in hands-on 学习 experiences and reflection to develop skills and increase knowledge retention.

Student projects have been presented at professional meetings and/or published in professional journals, and many have won undergraduate research awards. 心理学 students have also participated in primate research in Barbados, and studied the roots of mindfulness in Japan as part of the Centre study abroad program.


We're committed to helping students find quality internship experiences in the career area of their choice.

students participate in internships at sites in the surrounding community, 在其他学术机构, and around the world including a stroke rehab unit, 整形外科 & sports medicine practices, elementary schools, and with physical therapists.


Our extraordinary liberal arts and sciences education prepares students for meaningful lives and careers.

心理学 majors have pursued a variety of careers including clinical psychology, 工业/组织心理学, 职业治疗, 护理, 语言治疗, 人机交互, 业务, 和法律.


Man with dark hair and gotee wearing glasses, 深色西装, 浅蓝色礼服衬衫, and plaid tie in front of grey background


  • 教务处助理处长
  • 公共学习bwin体育主任
  • 教室布置协调员
  • 心理学教授 and Neuroscience
黑头发戴眼镜的男人, 穿着运动服, 系扣礼服衬衫, 黑色背景前的围巾

亚伦J. Godlaski

  • Associate 心理学教授 and Neuroscience
  • 健康的职业
  • Pre-Dentistry顾问
lady with short brunette hair sunglasses on head standing in front of historic building


  • Marlene and David Grissom Associate 心理学教授
  • 心理学项目主席
黑头发戴眼镜的男人, 穿着运动服 and blue paisley button up in front of dark background


  • Assistant 心理学教授 • Speech-Language Pathology Advisor
  • Pre-Optometry
